The Calvin and Hobbes Wiki

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The Pounce

Hobbes regularly pounces on Calvin, most of the time when Calvin opens the door after coming home from school, or even when he passes by a corner in his house

It doesn't usually come to blows unless Calvin has done Hobbes wrong, like rudely waking him up or pelting him with snowballs. In one example of a rude awakening, Calvin comments, "It's hard to believe your conscience lets you sleep THAT well." Hobbes pounces on Calvin, roughs him up, and returns to his peaceful state, thinking, "NOW it does." Hobbes has two cues for pouncing on Calvin; the first is simply to see him enter, and the second is to wait for him to yell "I'm Home!"


Among the methods that Calvin has employed in order to avoid Hobbes' attack are some of the following

Snowman- Decoy 3

One of Calvin's decoys.

  • Making fake versions of himself and having Hobbes pounce on them. Calvin has done this three times, with one attempt being successful, one unsuccessful, and one half-successful. The first time was half-successful as Calvin avoided getting pounced on, but Hobbes took the decoy inside and locked Calvin out. The second time, Hobbes asked Calvin if he made the second decoy (which Calvin acknowledged) and closed the door; Calvin threw the decoy aside and opened the door himself, which resulted in him being pounced on normally. The third time, Calvin drew a face onto his sack lunch and mounted it with his clothes; this attempt actually did fool Hobbes, on account that here Hobbes relied on Calvin exclaiming "I'm Home!" instead of just entering.
  • Hitting the ground just as Hobbes tries to pounce on him (half-successful: Hobbes missed him but turned around and pounced on him).
  • Waiting until Hobbes falls asleep (unsuccessful).
  • Shouting "I'm Home!" in the bushes so Hobbes pounces on nothing (successful).
  • Asking Susie to open the door. He has done this twice (the first one unsuccessful as Susie didn't see anything flying out at her, and the second was also unsuccessful as Hobbes was already dressed up for Susie to visit).
  • Shouting "I'm Home!" before opening the door so that Hobbes crashes into the door and then saying "You'll notice I didn't say I was inside." (successful)
  • Calvin tried three times to shout "I'm Home!" after getting inside. He has done this three times, with one unsuccessful and two half-successful. His first try was where he went inside and lay low so Hobbes wouldn't pounce on him, however, Hobbes turned around to pounce on him again saying "Elapsed turn around in .8 seconds". The second try was sneaking in through the back and seeing Hobbes ready to pounce, however, Hobbes pounced on him later on. The third try was sneaking through the back and shouting "I'm home!", where Hobbes rocketed out the front door, and Calvin shut it on him. Calvin then hears a knock at the door; believing Hobbes is going to attempt another pounce, Calvin shouts "Forget it, you moron, I am not opening the door!" In actuality, Mom had returned home from food shopping and had her arms full with groceries, sarcastically talking to herself "I can't wait to hear this one explained".
  • Taking a picture of Hobbes pouncing and showing it to his father as evidence. (unsuccessful, since Calvin's dad sees Hobbes only in his stuffed tiger form and thinks Calvin threw him)
  • Shouting "I'm Home!" and coming in through the back door. (unsuccessful)
  • Opening the door with a stick while shouting "I'm Home!". (unsuccessful)

